BAJA EARTH MAGIC Wellness Retreats @ Buena Fortuna Gardens Presents






January 19-23 (WANING MOON)



The Invitation

In an exclusive and sacred setting in Southern Baja, combined with the support and guidance of highly professional, skilled and experienced facilitators, we invite you to join us on a 5-day healing journey with various Sacred Ancestral Medicines to give you deep insight into who you truly are and to help you remember that You Are The Medicine.

The Gifts of Healing

The ancient wisdoms of the world - namely Pachamama & our Ancestors - offer a powerful way to help us elevate our consciousness. Ancestral medicines are catalysts that open the doorway to the heart which allows for profound physical, emotional, mental, and psychological healing. It is the work of the heart, not the mind, that is going to restore humanity and the planet back into harmony.

Your personal desire to heal, transform and ultimately live a better life is the first step. Surrender to Remember & Baja Earth Magic are here to help guide you through this work with the ancestral medicines in the most safe, sacred, and effective way possible. We respect the power and potential of the depth of healing these plants can offer individuals, all of humanity and Pachamama.

Earth Medicines & ancestral ceremonies like Temazcal, San Pedro cactus, Ayahuasca, Bufo alvarius, Rape, Sananga, Cacao, and many others are incredibly efficient ways to support the shifts in perception that lead to the necessary transformation & healing the planet is in need of.


Healing Benefits Of Ancestral Medicines

The experience of each individual depends on how deeply they are wiling to surrender to the experience - we work with participants leading up to the retreats to prepare each person well for their journey. These are some of the most common healing benefits that people experience from their work with these ancestral medicines. We do not claim to heal, treat, or cure any diseases, however, the results for hundreds of thousands of people who have experienced the deep healing benefits of these medicines speaks for itself. 

Cleansing & Purification

The master plants - San Pedro & Ayahuasca especially are a profound reset for the body. Many people will purge and sometimes it comes out the other end as well. Other forms of purging include crying, laughing, shaking, coughing and sweating. The ceremonies such as the cleansing floral baths and temazcal, as well as the ingested medicines work to clear you of all the toxic energy and emotions that have clogged up your whole being over a lifetime. For some people this can be one of the strongest emotional processes they experience, and this is exactly the reason why it is so purifying to the energetic system. 

I know the idea of purging sounds a little gross, however, it’s ALWAYS extremely worth it. Often after purging you feel like you’ve been given a brand new body and you feel a profound sense of well being that often lasts for many weeks, months or even years afterward.

Physical, Mental, Emotional Healing

People have successfully used ayahuasca to cure all kinds of physical ailments including chronic and terminal illness such as tumors and cancer. There is not much in the way of hard scientific data to verify this claim, but if you speak to absolutely anyone who has significant experiences with ayahuasca, they will most likely tell you that they’ve personally witnessed a high number of incredible healings take place.

Ayahuasca is incredibly effective at healing mental and emotional issues because it allows you to process deeply stored traumas to their completion. 

It’s not uncommon to hear people claim that one medicine ceremony was far more effective and beneficial to them than 10 years of psychotherapy!

Healing Depression & Anxiety

One of the most common reported benefits of using ancestral medicines are that they are effective treatments for mood disorders such as high-stress, chronic worry, anxiety and depression. 

In my experience, I experienced two key shifts that allowed my depression and anxiety to lift:

1. The medicines reset my body so that I was no longer in fight or flight, therefore actually able to rest and relax again.

2. The medicines helped me to identify and process the root causes of the depression and begin to process the traumas, change the behaviors, and allow myself to experience higher states of love and connection (which were previously very difficult to reach having my energy so clogged by these stuck emotions). Also, by reconnecting us with the spirit world, and our true self there is instantaneous healing that happens on a psychological level.

Addiction Treatment & Recovery


Gratitude & Regaining Deeper Appreciation For Life


Gain A Deeper Understanding Of Yourself


Experience Higher Levels Of Consciousness


Enhanced Creativity


Discovering, or Remembering,  Your Life Purpose


Connecting Deeply With Nature


Freedom From Conditioning & Limiting Beliefs


Overcoming Fear/s




To most effectively navigate your journey with the sacred medicines, preparation is key. The medicines only work as deep as you allow them to. YOU are the real medicine, the plants are friendly ally's that open you up to learning how to embody your own capabilities to heal yourself. We provide our clients with plenty of mental, emotional and physical preparation which allows you to access the remarkable characteristics of the medicine journey's with confidence. Ideally, once you arrive at the retreat you will be full of excitement, playful curiosity and joy. Our preparation guidance will help you alleviate preconceived ideas, get crystal clear on your intentions, and give you tools to pull on in the ceremonies to craft an ideal experience.


You are in for a truly unique experience by getting to spend 5 days in Buena Fortuna Gardens, an exclusive tropical sanctuary in the desert. The entire property vibrates with life and love. Simply walking through the garden is healing in and of itself. You will enjoy organic homemade meals made with food farmed on the land. The ancestral medicine ceremonies of San Pedro, Ayahuasca, and Bufo alvarius (all optional), are the fundamental ceremonies of this retreat. All are powerful heart-openers and facilitate beautiful awakenings for those open to receiving their teachings. The ceremonies and rituals are masterfully guided and having such skilled professional facilitators is truly what empowers the participants to fully receive the wisdom and healings from the spirit of the medicines.


This is where the real "work" comes in. Oscar often reminds participants, "the ceremony begins once the ceremony ends". Integrating your experiences means making your insights, visions, and healings “real” and a part of your everyday life moving forward. This is true transformation and this is what we are all about. During the retreat you will have integration activities to participate in such as breathe work, restorative yoga, massage therapy, sound baths, art therapy workshops, dance, oracle and intuitive readings, cleansing ritual baths, and more. Sharing and witnessing within a group are fundamental to making sense of the messages, visions and revelations that the ceremonies offer. Our facilitators are available throughout the week to offer personal and group guidance and support through their presence and enhanced perception to help participants deeply understand and integrate the meanings of their experiences. Participants receive two individual coaching calls post-retreat as accountability to effectively anchor in what they learned during the retreat.


Our Vision & Promise

We strive to create the optimal conditions and orientation to work with our participants and the ancestral medicines and are passionately dedicated to providing a genuinely caring, highly professional, and exceptionally supportive setting. Creating a safe, sacred space for our guests to heal, transform, and awaken is our priority.

Our facilitators have many years of personal experience healing themselves sand others using the ancestral medicines and “walk their talk.” Through having faced and integrated much of their own pain and challenges and transitioned from self to service, they are able to share from a place of personal experience and guide others through the same process. We are deeply committed to our guests’ expereinces and are passionate about these retreats as being a healing journey.

During the retreat, you will receive a substantial amount of integration support to help you process your healing experience after every ceremony. We also offer instruction on how to sustain and cultivate any breakthroughs and insights received during your retreat and how to ground transformative healing experiences into day-to-day life. We ensure that every person who comes to our retreats receives individual attention and is held in a compassionate and caring environment throughout their healing process.

Your Commitment

The healing you will receive will cleanse a significant amount of dense energies that have accumulated in your system as well as bring up many aspects of your past that have been buried in your subconscious. It is important to understand that this process not only takes place during the ceremonies but also normally for days, weeks, and months after a retreat. The spirits of the ancestral medicines will continue to work with you long after the ceremony ends. The more self-reflection, courage, responsibility, and awareness you bring to the process during this crucial phase, the more benefits you will gain.

This retreat is designed to help dissolve the illusory self and significantly increases awareness of self-constructed boundaries, highlighting and helping release fear-filled and self-limiting beliefs. Working with the medicines initiates a long-term healing journey that supports overall liberation from the hypnosis of conditioning – shining a light onto your shadow and helping you to become aware of your patterns, intimate with your fears, embrace your shadow, and consciously parent yourself back to wholeness.

Integrating the psycho-spiritual breakthroughs and insights, both during and after healing requires a certain level of personal mastery. By complementing plant-spirit shamanism with regular self-inquiry and when necessary guidance from a facilitator, an alchemical marriage emerges that enables you to fully own and integrate your healing and realize the critical importance of integrity in all aspects of your life.

Retreat Offerings

  • Transportation to and from San Jose del Cabo Airport & Buena Fortuna Gardens
  • Lodging in an exclusive lush tropical garden in the beautiful, wild desert of Southern Baja, Mexico
  • Organic homemade vegetarian meals
  • Personalized drum with your power animal
  • Guided Breathewave Ceremony with LIVE Sound Bath
  • Group Healing Circles w/ Facilitators
  • Restorative Yoga Classes
  • Art & Music Integration Workshops
  • 60 Minute Massage
  • Meditative Garden Walk & Tour
  • Purifying Floral Medicinal Bath
  • Temazcal
  • Huachuma (San Pedro cactus) Ceremony
  • Ayahuasca Ceremony
  • Bufo alvarius Ceremony
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Ecstatic Dance 
  • Facilitators are on-site 24/7 & available for personal inquiries 




Kitzia began planting seeds to create what is now Buena Fortuna Gardens 23 years ago...









On the medicine path, Ayahuasca is called “Abuelita” (Grandmother), in honor of its inherent feminine energy that manifests in a deep introspective ceremony. Oscar holds space for the journey with Ayahuasca in the traditional way of the Shipibo tribes in Peru. He sings traditional Ikaros throughout the night to facilitate a deep meeting with many ancestral plant, animal, and Earthly spirit can occur. Oscar's brew is extremely high quality and is straight from the source of the Shipibo family who harvests and prepares the medicine.

Bufo alvarius

Bufo alvarius is a powerful ego-dissolving medicine native to Mexico. The medicine lives in a unique toad, Bufo alvarius, and the medicine Oscar offers is harvested ethically and with respect and prayed over by native tribal men from Sonora. This is a the last medicine offered in the retreat and assists in helping release any residual stuck energy, and also gives more clarity on your entire experience and will lead you toward more of what you will be integrating following the reatreat. This is a very sacred medicine and also quite rare as it is only found in the deserts of Mexico. We are extremely lucky to have such an experienced medicine man available to us to share this medicine.