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Anchoring Your Soul

awareness soul Dec 10, 2020
Anchoring Your Soul
Remember that you are an infinite being with the ability to expand your awareness beyond space and time. You have so much power that you aren't aware of - and guess what - wherever you are on the perception of that is exactly where you are supposed to be!⠀

First, we must acknowledge where we are in the now, and love that aspect first.⠀

Then, you can start to move beyond the scope of the physical reality and begin to dream into existence that which hasn't been brought into your 3D perception yet.⠀

Knowledge does not get you very far until you begin to integrate that knowledge into the practical application of your 3D existence. ⠀

So yes, it's amazing to have the awareness that we are truly, at the center of our being, infinite source energy where limitations of time and space do not exist - but to EXPERIENCE the true magic of that in the 3D we have to anchor that awareness into our bodies and allow ourselves to surrender fully to the EXPERIENCE OF LIFE IN HUMAN FORM!⠀

Who wants to come on a journey with me to explore the explorations of anchoring your Soul back into you body and become fully grounded in the 3D before we close the year out?

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