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Divine Remembering

forgiveness trust Dec 28, 2020
Divine Remembering

You don't ever need to look outside of yourself for the answers to anything you wish to know the answer to.⠀

You hold the wisdom of Goddess / God, Source Energy, The Universe in your DNA.⠀

You must learn to trust in yourself.⠀
You must learn to listen to the Universal language.⠀
You must learn to remember - in every moment - who you really are.⠀

How can you begin to create a dialogue with the DIVINE within who knows all the answers to the questions you are asking?⠀

You've got to choose to be courageous and begin to lean into the raw, real, maybe even muddy and dark, shadowy parts of every situation.⠀

You've got to begin to recognize the judgments of "good' vs. "bad", "right" vs. "wrong" as the part of you that is trying to find false meaning and begin to honor the full spectrum of life and find new ways of perceiving your situation.⠀

You've got to do what feels uncomfortable and learn to accept, love and forgive those parts of you that create limitation - thus letting go of the stories that are not true - about you and about life itself.⠀

Being willing to let go of the old outdated stories heals us in the way of creating space so that we can then see the truth of how powerful we are, how ALL of the things we experience are PERFECT & IN DIVINE TIMING.⠀

What have you begun to Remember in 2020? There is a massive awakening happening right now on Planet Earth. Please share - what truths are you waking up to?!⠀


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