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Horse Medicine

change compassion surrender Dec 03, 2020
Horse Medicine

The Earth, your Guides (aka your Higher Self and Higher forms of Consciousness), your ancestors... these energies are all yearning to communicate with you, Sweet Soul!

The umbrella lesson of 2020 for me has been to get quiet, settle into patience, and listen. 

The first couple of months I was really untrusting, or maybe I was just afraid, of the messages that were coming through. 

But I kept surrendering to the quiet moments, the feelings, the knowing that I was being called to accept ALL parts of me and others that i was resisting.

I started to get glimpses of compassion. I started to really dig into the sacred mirrors all around me, reflecting back to me what I was being called to look at and change.

Change can be hard. But the more we resist it, the more it persists. And I finally understand that it is never going to get “easier” like a part of me was hoping it would.

To settle into life, and the constant evolution is to get comfortable and develop resilience in surrendering to the process.

Horses in particular, this beautiful canyon, these resilient plants growing in cracks in rock walls in the middle of the desert - these nature totems are such a testament this process we are in as humans right now.

Horse medicine is about power. 

Power is not about being “stronger”and out-competing. 

True Power - accessing your pure Source Energy Within comes from remembering who you are, seeing others for who they are, and forgiving, having compassion for, and loving you and others unconditionally.

When we remember who we are at the source, we begin remembering that we have abilities, gifts, and talents that we came here to share - and when we start sharing those gifts with others we access a gateway to power that leads you home to the knowing of safety, gratitude, and familiarity that erases all of the “struggle”, traumas and resistance in an instant.

Keep walking the path. 
You are stronger than you know.


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