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Living your truth is part of your sovereignty as a soul

fear truth Dec 04, 2020

Has there been something inside of you waiting to be birthed, but every time you attempt to ground it, your fear of what others will think about you stop you in your tracks?

I totally get it. 

I have hid so many parts of me - partly because being a sensitive Cancerian is just a lot of emotion to learn to navigate, period. (So when there is fear, it’s easier to back down and hide away).

Another reason is due to fear of rejection. Fear doesn’t actually exist on the higher spiritual dimensions, it’s a human dis-ease that’s programmed into us from day 1: “sshhh, don’t cry”; seeing people at odds in the media 24/7; society expecting us to live a certain way when deep inside it feels uncomfortable, yet everyone around us is telling us we have to do it because it’s just the way it is... the list goes on.

I'm not saying fear is bad, it serves a purpose. It’s only when we let the fear of speaking our truth, living in our most authentic way, does it become a real problem unless we find our way through it - and in my experience it is heading straight in direction of it and doing the things that make me feel the most afraid. 

It’s having deep faith that it will all turn out okay. It’s having deep trust in yourself. For me the need to speak my truth finally got bigger than the fear when I realized it was the key to my joy, access to my power, and way to my freedom. It was the dissolution of duality into ONENESS and a REMEMBERING OF WHO I AM, and WHAT I CAME HERE TO DO.

This quote by @jerome_braggs really hits home on this topic:
“Your truth is SUPPOSED to shake the ground. It’s supposed to make some people uncomfortable, or even angry. Your truth IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE POPULAR. 

Because you did not incarnate here to be in resonance with everyone. You incarnated to be in resonance with YOURSELF, and attract to you those who vibrate in accord with that resonance. 

Living your truth is a part of your sovereignty as a soul.”


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