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Self-Acceptance & Spiritual Evolution

awareness path purpose self-acceptance spiritual evolution Nov 23, 2020
Hollis Baley

How are you doing as we near the end of one of the wildest years humanity has ever experienced?

No matter what “state” you find yourself in, if you can get used to loving accepting and honoring your process, you will inevitably see the silver lining. 

When we try and avoid our lessons, our trials, they get even bigger and more overwhelming. 

Thanks to COVID times we have been reminded of the importance of surrendering to our internal process and hopefully most of us who are truly seeing the value of surrendering to the evolutionary path are realizing what a distraction it is to focus on the external challenges we have zero power and control over.

Evolution is an internal process. 

Internal processes require going into the darkness, and I think that’s why we tend to stay distracted on external happenings, because it’s easier to point fingers and blame our problems in someone else, than to take the necessary time and space and claim radical responsibility for our lives.

It is time to turn the focus inward, and go into the deep dark abyss of your soul. 

It might seem scary at first, but it’s actually the most illuminating pathway to transformation and evolution - and humanity so needs us to be doing this inner transformational work right now!

As light beings we have all chosen to take a journey of realizing what our true potential is. 

In order to experience this potential, we need the darkness to create the structures (life experiences), in order to create infinite mirrors for us to be able to see our light reflected back to us.

The light created the purpose, path and and awareness for us to set out on these journeys of recognizing ourselves, and the darkness creates the distortions to our light so that we as spiritual beings have a path to recognize the light within.

Everything you are experiencing is a reflection of your energy and what you have decided is true for you. You are creating your own reality and it’s this surrendering, this dance in the darkness that provides the pathway to transcend thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors that are no longer serving us.


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