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surrender triggers Dec 20, 2020
Hollis Baley Shadows

“Our shadows are unresolved wisdom codes.” ~Izzy Ivy

Avoidance of our shadows makes them spiral out of control to aid in the construction of a world we don’t actually want - both individually and collectively.

All personal power struggles and ego “stuff” affects the bigger picture of how the world operates. 

Take this Winter Solstice as an opportunity to greet, get familiar with, and make friends with your shadows... and if you don’t know where to start just think of what triggers you.

Get real with yourself. You know those moments when everything gets way more dramatic, emotional, and painful than the situation calls for... those are the triggers and moments that give you access to these wisdom codes (aka your shadows).

Taking a look at what triggers you gives you insight into places you can grow from, this evolving into a more conscious version of yourself embracing your Higher Self wisdom that has the POWER to transcend these patterns once and for all! 

There is so much wisdom hidden within those raw and intense reactions. Accept and love those parts of you for they hold the keys to deep spiritual insight 🤍🌹


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