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Surrendering is a Daily Practice

surrender Jan 01, 2021
Surrendering is a Daily Practice
Surrendering usually isn’t just one magical moment. ⠀
I mean it can be, but most of the time, it’s a moment to moment decision. ⠀
Whenever fear, worry, or doubt pops up, you have to choose to surrender - again, and again, and again. ⠀

HOW TO SURRENDER - for me, all it really takes is to have a willingness to surrender and let things go. The universe will help you do the rest.⠀
The reason so many of us struggle with surrendering is because we "quit before the miracle happens". ⠀

I have given up so many times on lessons I had the chance to learn mostly because in retrospect, I lacked trust in myself, and The Universe. ⠀

I was lacking the strong spiritual connection between my Soul, Spirit, and my Body - which I know today as being fully grounded.⠀

This year has taught me a LOT about surrendering - and it came through practicing GROUNDING my Soul into my body - over and over and over again.⠀

It's a muscle, and one that I am so glad I finally started to flex because by learning to ground my awareness into my physical body, I have become far more aware of and capable of making choices that quite honestly, have helped me from creating so much inner-turmoil and drama in my life.⠀

The want to control everything is so ingrained in us, which makes it very difficult to surrender. ⠀

We feel like we’re in it alone and we have to figure everything out ourselves - but that couldn’t be further from the truth. ⠀

That’s the whole point of surrendering is realizing that you have this magnificent force (you can call it God/Goddess, The Universe, Source Energy, Great Spirit) there to help and support you at all times.⠀

It took me years to really get it and know what it truly feels like to be in a state of surrender, but now that I've been practicing it and seen such DRASTIC shifts in my life in such a short period of time, I was inspired to create this community to share what I have learned.⠀

I invite you join me inside the Surrender to Remember Portal where myself and my amazing team will be sharing an experiential experience of what it means to Surrender and Remember who you are and what you are capable of!

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