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A Note On How To Navigate Pain & A Hurting Heart

awareness change coaching compassion fear grief healing self-acceptance self-care self-development self-healing transformation Nov 15, 2021

Are you hurting inside? Don’t fear, sweet soul. You are not alone. 🙏


For all of us, there will be many experiences in our lives that will lead us to tend to want to shut back down and to put up those walls of protection. 🙅🏼‍♀️ (Or, for those of you who haven’t taken those walls of protection down yet you might feel like reinforcing them when the pain begins to rise to the surface).


Feeling hurt is what happens when things trigger our traumas or memories of the experiences that caused us to begin to close down, or stop trusting our Hearts or believing in love in the first place.


I see you, and you’re not alone. And I also have a secret to share with you that is the way to finding freedom from staying stuck in the pain and it’s so simple that we often quit before the miracle happens. 


The way through is to turn toward your heart space, gently and courageously open and surrender to the hurt and allow yourself to feel the feelings that are rising to the surface to be felt and witnessed.


The experience of opening up, being seen, and being acknowledged is all those feelings are asking you to do.


The more you practice, ,the more graceful you will become in holding space for yourself when the hard stuff happens - such as going through a break up, or experiencing the death of a loved one, or having an experience of being really embarrassed or ashamed. 


The more you turn toward your heart and open yourself to experiencing emotions, the quicker you’ll know what to do when the hurt begins to rise inside of you. 🙌


It takes practice, but learning a few simple tools to drop into your body, relax your nervous system, separate from the stories and the mind, and get into your heart can be totally life-changing.


Feeling the hurt and becoming available to experience the pain is how you begin to integrate these more difficult experiences, and this is how you really integrate and become more whole, more healed and become the person who IS worthy of love, versus being the person who continues to seek for their innate worthiness and love on the outside. 🧘🏻‍♀️


May you be courageous on your journey into your Heart. May you be gentle. May you knwo that you are never alone.


All My Love,


Hello sweet soul - I’m Hollis, a Life Coach, Plant Medicine Facilitator, Educator & Retreat Host living in Southern Baja, Mexico. I am a Mom to a beautiful daughter and a 90lb. Labradoodle, an entrepreneur & life coach to the lovely souls on this Earth who have come to realize that the path to freedom is achieved when we turn inside and meet ourselves deeply and authentically. In this way we begin to REMEMBER who we are - and THAT is the ultimate freedom of all and truly what I believe we came here to do in this great Awakening happening on Planet Earth!

Book A Discovery Call with Hollis TODAY and stop feeling alone.

Learn how coaching and finding someone to guide you into and through your pain will create great freedom and happiness for you on your journey.


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