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What Is Your BIG PICTURE DREAM for 2021?

dreams intentions Jan 14, 2021

When we set our dreams and intentions, internal or external shifts may need to occur before we start to see results. Outdated doors need to close. Ideas that are holding you back may need to transform.⠀

The roads you take toward getting closer and closer to manifesting your dream depends on how ready you are and the distance between your current life and the one you are dreaming into being.⠀

Use this rainbow as a loving reminder from Mother Nature that following your intuition will keep you on course... but the tricky part is that you have to actually listen to your intuition!⠀

I have been finding quiet and peaceful connection with Mother Nature in the desert lately, where I can hear my intuition speaking to me loud and clear. ⠀

I imagine my intuition - the beautiful messages that come to me when I give myself space and time to listen - as a Goddess. She helps me cut through the clouds of confusion and shows me the clear, easy, and joyful way forward.⠀


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