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Full Moon + Eclipse Oracle Reading (Specific For This Community)

Nov 19, 2021

Happy Full Moon + Eclipse. Personally, I have had a BIG week specifically in the way of drawing boundaries and truly making space in my life to be able to focus on my ultimate health & vision for what I am creating.

Boundaries have never been easy for me - I learned to be a people-pleaser from a young age, I was certainly never taught how to make boundaries growing up, and it's also a large part of my personality/genetic make-up (according to Human Design & The Gene Keys anyway) to be a shape-shifter and to be very adaptable and flexible.

I say this because when I finally had the courage and had done enough work to set these firm boundaries this week - I felt this surge of magic and spaciousness (#massiveupgrade) appear in my life. 

So - in order to celebrate this identity shift / REBIRTH - I celebrated by adding 4 brand new Goddess Oracle decks to my collection. This surge of spaciousness through this DEATH/REBIRTH experience really turned me onto High Priestess energy and I have been integrating this week by relaxing, playing my sound healing instruments, reading these beautiful oracles, and camping on the beach with my daughter. 

By the way - ALL rebirths deserve a CELEBRATION. It's actually the most important part of the integration process, and most of us get so in a rush about our lives that we forget to celebrate.

Every shift you make, every WIN you have, and even every mistake you make, should be celebrated in some way exactly the same as if it were a BRAND NEW BABY being born! This anchors in the lesson, and greatly improves the chances that we won't have to re-do that lesson again - that we transform and keep moving forward to new experiences and unleveled growth!

Okay, without further ado - here is the Oracle Reading I did for this community using these new beautiful Goddess decks:

1 - What is the process that is wanting to come forth with this Full Moon/Eclipse energy?

2 & 3 - What Goddess energy can you embody and practice (what can you do/action) to support this process to move forward?

4 - What is the best outcome from doing the action steps being called forth from this Goddess energies?



You are currently birthing a new 'something' into your life. This is exactly what happened to me last week, as I mentioned. This process requires a commitment - think of the work Mama and Baby do together during the birthing process. It requires trust, connection, perseverance, stamina, focus, and... CELEBRATION! 

It also requires patience, rest, and a time to integrate the massive changes that come with birthing new energies into your reality and onto this planet. Please take your time with this process - this is just the beginning of something BRAND NEW & ABUNDANTLY EXCITING that you are grounding into this reality!!!

With the actions suggested by the next 2 cards, you can assure the arrival of your new "baby" (identity, belief system, relationship, project, journey, etc.) to be a sacred and prosperous journey!



I LOL'd when I pulled this card because if you've been following my posts this week they have all been related to healing trauma and inner child work. Soul Retrieval is just this - going back and "rescuing" the parts of us that were abandoned and wounded in our traumatic experiences. 

When we go back and give those wounded parts of us loving attention and acknowledge them.- this is how we invite them to complete their process and heal. You integrate these parts of you in this healing process, therefore your Soul becomes less fragmented, more whole and complete, and you can move forward without the energy deference of that unhealed trauma weighing on you anymore. 

Trauma can be a triggering word, a confusing word, and a confusing process depending on your relationship and understanding of it. I would offer that you check out my Instagram or Facebook posts this week to read more on trauma, because it is SUCH a popular topic right now. We ALL have trauma. That's a fact. AND - our bodies and meant to feel it, and our bodies are meant to heal it.

The fact that trauma healing (Soul Retrieval) is being suggested as a way to birth your new reality into the world is actually a REALLY GOOD THING because when we heal our traumas, we heal the root of our suffering and we are set free. 

This is a big task for some, and it can also be a very simple process depending on your openness and support available. If you have questions about this schedule a Discovery Call with me and I will help you gain clarity on your healing path through your own trauma and Soul Retrieval. 



The second Goddess recommendations for moving forward in your birthing process is Bagalamukhi. She is fierce and empowered and brings the energy of putting an end abruptly to dark energies and demons. 

So here's another powerful energy you have in your field right now to identify where you are self-sabotaging and be able to bring that awareness and create the change/s you need to make in order to bring an end to behaviors and patterns that are no longer serving you.

Also, take time to reflect and you will easily be able to identify deeper rooted traumas that are wanting to be healed in order to make space for new energies to be birthed in your life. This energy is specifically in regards to healing the roots of shame, so observe the ways in which you are holding onto shame, embarrassment, or guilt and try and send love to those parts of you as to let them know there is no longer a need to hold onto that energy keeping you stuck and small.

Other indications in your life of where you are being hard on yourself is when you are harsh or in judgment of others. Look at those mirrors and contemplate how you can heal those parts of yourself - bringing more presence and awareness to any situation where you are in judgment or hard on others can bring tremendous inner healing.

4 - EPONA (Wise Leader)

The outcome of this birthing process is incredible for this community! You are ready to step into your authentic power and become a wise leader. This could mean in your life, a relationship, or on a grander scale. Either way - you are ready to step into your purpose and prosper!

The energy if this Full Moon / Eclipse cycle will be intense for the next month and last for 18 months. I invite you to reflect, take some time to contemplate and really sink into what this brith means for you and how you can use the energy of  Soul Retrieval and Bagalamukhi to help you create the necessary healing experience you are clearly ready for to be able to step into your Wise Leader role!

What do you desire to birth and nurture for the next 18 months? It's going to be transformational and powerful, ,there is no doubt about that.

With all my love,


Hello sweet soul - I’m Hollis, a Life Coach, Plant Medicine Facilitator, Educator & Retreat Host living in Southern Baja, Mexico. I am a Mom to a beautiful daughter and a 90lb. Labradoodle, an entrepreneur & life coach to the lovely souls on this Earth who have come to realize that the path to freedom is achieved when we turn inside and meet ourselves deeply and authentically. In this way we begin to REMEMBER who we are - and THAT is the ultimate freedom of all and truly what I believe we came here to do in this great Awakening happening on Planet Earth!

Book A Discovery Call with Hollis TODAY to learn about my 4-Month Transformational Group Coaching Program, REMEMBER.

Learn how coaching and finding someone to guide you into and through your pain will create great freedom and happiness for you on your journey. Manifest the life of your dreams!! Now is the time.


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