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Healing Trauma with Ayahuasca

awareness fear purpose self-healing soul medicine spiritual evolution surrender Sep 17, 2021

I’ve found Ayahuasca to be one of the most powerful ways to help heal trauma. I came to this realization after a decade of using it personally and seeing it work it’s magic. I also have dozens of friends and clients who use it intentionally to heal deeply rooted emotional and psychological wounds. 


To make this as clear as possible, before getting into the three most powerful ways Ayahuasca can be used for trauma, I want to first define what trauma really is and what it means to actually heal from it.

Once you fully understand what trauma is, where it’s stored in the body, and how it’s healed to completion - you will have a clear picture of how and why Ayahuasca can be used as an incredible treatment for it. And not only that, but you will see how Ayahuasca can heal trauma very quickly. Many professionals refer to one night of Ayahuasca being equivalent to ten years of therapy!

Okay, so what actually, is trauma?

I think it’s important to understand that trauma is not an event that happened. Trauma is the way our bodies, primarily our nervous systems, react to any event that has triggered an emotional response. And in that event, the emotion that’s created as a result, is unable to be fully processed or moved out of the body. This unprocessed emotion, or energy in motion essentially then gets stuck somewhere in the body to be processed at a later time in the future.  

Another way to visualize this, is to imagine energy kinks in your body where the energy actually stops flowing on some level.  

Those kinks are the trauma.

The trauma, or stuck energy, will stay trapped in your body until you have the chance to allow it to fully move and be released. Healing trauma is when you allow this “stuck energy” or “kinks” to fully release, and be processed so that your natural energy can then flow freely again.

The process of healing trauma is actually quite simple in this sense - physiologically at least. 

However, it’s our minds and the way we condition ourselves to avoid feeling emotion that’s really underneath these traumas. This is what makes it difficult for many people to access, fully process, and therefore heal the stored trauma later, as time goes on. 

In fact, we often don’t know that we are even feeling the effects of unprocessed trauma until the compilation of traumas in our body begins to show up in physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms.

Our bodies remember everything, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. When you are born as a human being - your body and nervous system from that day forward, likely begin experiencing trauma in one form or another. These can be simple, seemingly, non-important events such as being startled by a loud noise, or getting your feelings hurt when your Mom or Dad yells you know. And then of course, there are more “well-known” traumas such as car accidents or abuse-type situations. 

The truth is however, and this is what most people don’t realize about trauma, is that our bodies don’t know the difference between the types of events. Our bodies store the stuck energy in the exact same way and it still waits inside the body for processing at a later date. 

This trapped energy ends up staying stored somewhere in your body because that’s the way your system is biologically built. In a “big picture” sense, trauma is actually an incredibly brilliant creation that consciousness uses here in the 3D world to help us grow and evolve. 

I won’t get into all of the philosophical and metaphysical reasons today, but I want to share my view of trauma from a higher spiritual perspective. When trauma is viewed in this way, it is clear that healing trauma is something EVERY HUMAN BEING will have the option to do in their lifetime, as a powerful way to learn and grow spiritually.

Because we are currently living in such a chaotic world, there is no better time that I can think of for you to try to improve your life, in whichever way you feel. Maybe right now is your chance to consider consciously healing some of the accumulated trauma in your body.

It is very common for people to accumulate a lot of stuck energy before they become consciously aware of it. As we accumulate traumas we also develop all kinds of creative avoidance patterns that build up resistance to releasing the trapped energy.


Well, it’s simply because releasing trauma requires you to allow the energy to fully run through your body and then process to completion. This can be a heavy task, especially if you grew up in a household or culture where certain emotions were not allowed. Or perhaps your’re a highly sensitive person, or maybe you simply aren’t comfortable with feeling your emotions. 

However, there are a lot of motivating factors to want to heal these built up kinks inside you. There are a lot of examples of why people finally become aware of their accumulated trauma and decide it’s time to begin the inner work to heal it. It might show up as repetitive patterns in your life such as addictions, failed relationships, or working shitty jobs to make ends meet, knowing deep down that you are capable of so much more. 

Other very common symptoms of unhealed trauma are depression, anxiety, physical disease, and obesity - the list is truly endless. 

So, are you ready for the great news?

As a human being here are some truths I want you to understand about trauma:

Trauma is normal.

Trauma happens to everyone.

Your body is meant to feel it and it is also meant to heal it. 

Today, this is where I am going to introduce to you how revolutionary and powerful Ayahusaca can be in helping heal all the trauma we have previously discussed. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of cases where people have fully healed their symptoms of trauma overnight - like emotional disorders, diseases, self-sabotaging patterns, and the ones listed above

In my opinion, from studying trauma and in healing my own for the last six years - every mood disorder, addiction, self-sabotaging pattern, and physical disease is the result of an unresolved emotional symptom. At the root of these symptoms are simply unprocessed traumas.

So, let me now share with you the three most powerful reasons Ayahuasca can be used as a tool to effectively heal trauma:

  1. Studies have shown that the Ayahuasca brew affects parts of the brain called the amygdala & insula. This is where you store fear and emotion. Ayahuasca can help the participant access memories that they have stored in their subconscious that are connected to great amounts of fear and BIG emotions such as stored traumas which then allows them to release the trapped energy, thus healing the trauma. 

“Ayahuasca ingestion modulates brain activity, neurotransmission, gene expression, and epigenetic regulation. Traumatic memories from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are often characterised by “repression”. PTSD patients who have ingested Ayahuasca report the retrieval of such memories and it cannot be excluded that DMT-mediated SIGMAR1 activation and the concomitant MAOIs effects during Ayahuasca ingestion might mediate such “anti-amnesic” process. Here I hypothesise that Ayahuasca, via hyperactivation of trauma and emotional memory-related centres, and via its concomitant SIGMAR1- and MAOIs- induced anti-amnesic effects, facilitates the retrieval of traumatic memories, in turn making them labile (destabilised).” 

2. Another incredible effect of Ayahuasca on the brain is it can help to actually rewire the neuronal signalling. Thus, creating a completely different reactionary condition than previously existed. For example, if the participant had developed a conditioned response to drinking alcohol in order to avoid feeling certain feelings in response to certain stimuli, it’s possible to “erase” and “rewire” that response so the participant no longer has the reactionary mechanism of turning to alcohol when confronted with the same stimuli. This is due to the rewiring effect from the  Ayahuasca.

“Ayahuasca alkaloids enhance synaptic plasticity, increase neurogenesis and boost dopaminergic neurotransmission, and those processes are involved in memory reconsolidation and fear extinction, the fear response triggered by the memory can be reprogrammed and/or extinguished. Subsequently, the memory is stored with this updated significance. Since SIGMAR1 mobilises synaptic receptor, boosts synaptic plasticity and modulates epigenetic processes, such effects might be involved in the reported healing of traumatic memories in PTSD patients. If this theory proves to be true, Ayahuasca could come to represent the only standing pharmacological treatment which targets traumatic memories in PTSD. Lastly, since SIGMAR1 activation triggers both epigenetic and immunomodulatory programmes, the mechanism here presented could help understanding and treating other conditions in which the cellular memory is dysregulated, such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune and neurodegenerative pathologies and substance addiction.”

3. Finally, Ayahuasca has a physical “purgative effect”. This allows the physical body to release the stuck energies or kinks. This can take place in a number of ways, such as vomiting, dry-heaving, cathartic emotional releases like crying or screaming, movement such as shaking or trembling, going to the bathroom, and many other ways which can essentially complete the movement of energy, once it is “dislodged” from the body.

In the ten years I’ve spent sitting in ceremonies, I have seen such trauma releases happen in a number of ways. It’s different for each person, and can be different every time. 

Sometimes it’s the memory that’s accessed first on a conscious level, followed by the emotional or physical release, or purge to complete the trauma healing. 

It can also happen the other way around, the physical and/or emotional release, or purge may happen even though the memory might not even need to be accessed consciously, but the deep healing still happens.

Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine and if you would like to know more about how you can work with me and my team about using it to heal your own traumas please reach out by clickingHERE to learn more about how we can support your healing process. 

With so much love,




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