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awareness intentions path surrender Aug 25, 2021

Integration is transformation.

It’s learning from your mistakes and being able to choose to BE a different way and to create more happiness and joy in your life.

Integration is about learning to accept yourself for ALL of who you are. 

Integration allows you to open up more and more to love… and life itself.

Integration is about celebrating your victories and EMBODYING a new version of you. 

Simply put, INTEGRATION of your life’s experiences is how you transform and create magic in your life! 

It’s the experiences in your life that are created by your consciousness that lead you back to the beauty and depth of what heart-centered living feels like and truly IS. Learning to live with an open heart is a lifelong practice and integration is key. It takes a lot of conscious awareness and also a tremendous amount of courage to be fully present with what you find, once you begin exploring this deeply magical and wondrous heart space. 

Your heart can become very open and can also become quite closed, depending on the experiences you have. As you continue to bring awareness to what's happening in the heart space, as a reaction to what is happening in your life, this becomes an open invitation to begin remembering who you are. 

When you allow yourself to feel and listen with your heart, you begin to realize through your own experiences just how powerful you are. You ARE a divine creation and source of God/Goddess energy. With good integration tools, you learn to accept yourself, everything, and everyone in your life as a reflection of this magic and sourced energy. Integration is powerful because it is the key piece that leads you back to remembering your magic!

There will be many experiences in your life that will make you want to shut back down and put up walls of protection. This is when things happen that trigger our traumas or memories of experiences that caused you to begin to stop trusting your heart in the first place. 

Today I want to highlight the importance of integrating, or embodying, your experience of heart-opening. When you take the time to allow yourself to feel your emotions in your body, this is the process of opening up. Integration is happening on a daily basis by the nature of how we are designed. When you consciously take the time to slow down, contemplate, and feel those experiences in your body - this is when you’re able to fully process and integrate all of the lessons you came here to learn. 

I love the topic of integration. It helped me learn just a few of the tools I now live by and teach. Not only did integration make “the hard stuff” so much easier to go through, it also made daily living a lot more fun!

Having the tools to drop back into your body and relax your nervous system helps you separate from the stories from the mind and allows your heart to open versus close. 

Simply put, INTEGRATION of all of your life’s difficult experiences is how you transform and create magic in your life! 

I got lost for many years in thinking and contemplating the spiritual path. The part that was missing was being able to slow down and allow myself to integrate what I was actually learning intellectually. 

Integration allows you to complete a process or lesson, and allows you to become more whole and healed. It allows you to understand why we go through the experiences we do, and how to have 100% acceptance and gratitude for all of it. Especially the times when shit really hits the fan and absolutely nothing makes sense at the time. 


If you’d like to join my community and walk this magical path of integration together, I invite you inside the Integration Portal

This is where I teach my community the tools of how to deeply drop into your heart. 

It’s a place where you’ll learn how to process and integrate all the lessons that life brings your way so you can fully close one cycle with love and gratitude, and begin the next stage of life with a more open heart. 

This portal is where I teach you the tools to love more compassionately and embody more happiness. 

You will learn to have fun and remember your magic - even when - ESPECIALLY when -  life seems particularly “hard”.

If you read my blog post last week I told a personal story about how having my daughter brought me to an deeper level of my Heart-Opening (aka “Spiritual”) Journey. 

In a short recap of that blog post - my perception of heart-centered living prior to becoming pregnant was that I was already living with an open heart and was living a “spiritual”  life - which I was. Then I went through the experience of having a baby and  got to experience an even deeper level of that. I also shared that it wasn’t all “butterflies and rainbows” because along with the deeper experience of love, there was also a deeper level of fear, anger, and many of the emotions that prevent us from opening our hearts to what life has to offer in the first place.

This just goes to show how important it is to accept and surrender to our experiences, or life’s lessons, and allow ourselves to fully integrate them. 


I’ll close today’s post with this: integration is actually quite simple, but it’s something that all of us, both consciously and unconsciously, avoid because we simply aren’t taught the right tools for integration to be effective. That’s why we can be on a spiritual path for many years and still feel stuck, or get extremely frustrated because we see the same patterns repeating themselves over & over again. 

So how is integration the key to your transformation? It allows you to:

  • slow down enough to get past your mind and into your heart. 
  • learn to accept and trust yourself just as you are. 
  • feel your emotions as a whole, versus avoiding feeling them at all.

I think you are now ready to drop your old limiting stories so you can embody a new version of you that’s more worthy, empowered, loving and loveable.


I hope you’ll join me inside the Integration Portal if you feel the call from your heart to remember on an even deeper level, the magic that lives inside of you!

With So Much Love,



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