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Interview With A Master Ayahuasquero, Oscar L. Martinez

ayahuasca plant medicine self-healing spiritual evolution transformation Oct 01, 2021

Have you ever wondered what separates a true and trusted Shaman or Ancestral Medicine Facilitator from the rest?


It’s a really worthy question to ask yourself if you’re interested in doing an Ayahuasca ceremony. In my vast experience with entheogens, having an experienced and trusted guide is one of the key components of ensuring a safe and transformational journey. 


Recently, I got to interview one of my teachers, Ayahuasquero Oscar Martinez, about his journey becoming a Shaman and healer. He is someone I deeply trust and is the person I am working most closely with right now in Mexico to lead me through many of the plant medicine ceremonies I personally participate in.  


I hope you enjoy our conversation below, and without further ado I am so happy to introduce you to my dear trusted friend who is an incredible Ayahuasquero, Oscar L. Martínez (Sanken Bea or The Spirit of the Anaconda). Oscar was given this medicine name by the Shipibo-Konibo tribe of Peru.  

Q: How did you find this path? This medicine path? 

A: I started 10 Years Ago when I felt there was something special about the Native American chants with drums. I started attending Temazcales (traditional Mexican sweat lodges). One experience led to another until the medicine world and Plant Ceremonies came to my path. 


Q: What is your ultimate passion?

A: To be in service of helping humanity to heal and raise consciousness. 


Q: How many years have you been using Ancestral Medicines to heal yourself and how many years have you been facilitating and serving medicine?

A: I have been taking the medicine for 9 years. It has been 7 years that I have been facilitating and serving medicines.


Q: How many people have you shared medicine with?

A: I don’t have an exact number but I would guess about 500 different people. 


Q: Where and who in Peru do you study with? How much time have you spent with the tribe in Peru studying?

A: I go to the Peruvian Amazon to learn from my teacher Francisco Ventura (Xawan) from the Shipibo Conibo Tribe. He has a healing and formation center called ONI NAI in SAN FRANCISCO YARINACOCHA near Pucalpa, Peru. Every year I go at least one to three months to continue learning and integrating the prayers (Icaros) for guiding ceremonies. There is a lot to learn about the energy generated during the ritual and it takes a lot of time and dedication to integrate all of the plant spirits who are with me in my ceremonies. 


Q: What makes your medicine unique and special? 

A: All the medicine is sacred and I do not judge other medicines. I do think it’s important to let people know that the Ayahuasca that I serve is prepared and prayed over by the family I know personally. It is very clean and only contains two ingredients - the ayahuasca vine and chacruna. The medicine I have is always fresh and of the highest quality. The family who makes this medicine has intentions to reach the people for healing and find their true self. This medicine is cooked and prayed for four days and five nights. 


Q: What are your prayers - for yourself, for humanity, the planet? 

A: Yes for all humanity I pray for a rise in the collective consciousness. 


Q: Do you have anything else to say about what you see in terms of the healing happening on the planet? The rise in consciousness? 


A: Yes I can clearly see the change happening these last 10 years and all the sacred plants coming out of nature to heal humanity in all aspects mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. 


Q: What do you think is the medicines' role in this healing process we are in and how can it help people?

A: The medicine’s mission here on earth is to show humanity their truth. It gives people the opportunity to feel their true self, their Spirit, to raise their frequencies. The medicine helps people to release all fear, suffering, sadness, sorrow, anger, illness, and all these low frequency energies that no longer serve us. The medicine heals us so that we can be a happier humanity and enjoy this experience called life and discover our own individual missions on earth. 


P.S. Oscar is going to be one of the guides at my upcoming Ayahuasca retreat in January in Baja Mexico! If you’d like to consider joining us, and are called towards have a safe and professional Ancestral Medicine experience, you can get all the information here.


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