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Life as a Ceremony

forgiveness love Dec 11, 2020

Life becomes a ceremony when you begin to live intentionally, with the commitment to do the best you can - daily - to improve your state of consciousness.⠀

Every experience, every person you interact with, every emotion, every dollar you receive or spend - these all become your "medicine".⠀

Living life in this way. - constantly choosing to see the lessons in every experience - that is the path to evolve your consciousness. ⠀

We must accept and love ourselves for EVERYTHING that we have ever done or had done to us. We must claim responsibility for our own emotions, and stop blaming others and shaming ourselves for our circumstances.⠀

The first step in all of this is forgiveness. I know from very personal experience because it has taken me YEARS to reach this level of consciousness to be able to forgive myself for things I have done in the past.⠀

The best way to forgive yourself and others is surrendering to the fact that if situations from the past could have happened a different way, they would have. They happened the way they did because that was the level of consciousness that was available at the time. You or "they" would have done better if they could have! ⠀

We are always doing the best we can with the level of consciousness available to us, so if you have to re-live the same situation over and over and over until you get the lesson, that's because there was still more to learn in order to unlock the higher consciousness from that lesson.⠀

Surrender to the beauty, the pain, the humility, the joy, the regret, the shame, the forgiveness, the compassion, and the love. These are all lessons we must learn on the ascension pathway.


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