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My Pituitary Tumor Was One Of My Best Spiritual Teachers

awareness change ego death inner child letting go personal growth personal power surrender transformation Oct 25, 2021

What I’m about to share with you is a glimpse of my life story and how my rejection of self manifesting in a pituitary tumor in my 20's was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. 


A little background - I grew up as a child who never felt understood. I always just felt different, I had a brilliant imagination, but quickly became shy and ashamed of my true Self.


Being a child and at the core of my Being, desiring love and acceptance - I learned early on to look to others for approval.


As time went on, I pushed the magical inner child away and became the person that I felt others wanted me to be.


I fell into depression and anxiety, and then started manifesting physical symptoms like lethargy, painful periods, digestive problems, chronic sinus infections, and even the loss of my vision in times of high stress.


And then - I developed a pituitary tumor at age 32.


This was the moment that changed my life forever, and not in the way you might think. You see, everyone else in my life was telling me to do what the Western Doctors told me to do and have this tumor surgically removed.


This was the moment when I turned deep inside and listen to the voice that was screaming "NO - surgery is not the answer".


This was the magical voice that began to guide me on a journey of remembering my own magic.


I went on a journey and learned all about natural healing, doing the inner work to face all of the emotions I had been numbing, and began to learn again how to BE THE REAL ME.


The moment I started turning inside, versus outside of me for answers, it completely changed the quality and purpose of my life. The more I slow down, the better I can tap into my intuition and hear the truth in my heart. 


And learning from experience I say this with 100% confidence - when you can tune into this voice of truth, this is when you begin to live a Divinely guided, magical and intentional life that brings you more happiness and joy than you've ever known before. 


This story was the experience that revealed to me (one) of my purposes in life which is to help you learn to listen to this magical, wise, all-knowing voice inside of you, and stop looking outside of yourself for Soul guidance. 


I know from my own story, and from helping others learn to connect with their own Hearts, remember their own magic, and trust themselves again - that is when miracles and magic manifests rapidly in your life!


I want you to know that I’m available to get on a free breakthrough coaching call with you to hear your story, and hold space for you so you can create the same magic in your life.


Book your best time and date here if you're ready to stop playing small, find your inner magic, and start living a more happy, purposeful life.


Love, Now & Always,



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