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Bufo alvarius, Oneness, Inner Work, & Other Great Perspectives On Transformation

awareness bufo alvarius coaching psychedelics remember self-healing transformation wake up Oct 10, 2021

Today's post is written by one of my current teachers and business partners - Transformational Facilitator Holly Clark of the Earth Pulse Collective.

I am sharing this post today because I am  currently promoting the course she co-created called REMEMBER. I will be graduating in just 2 weeks from their Facilitator Training Program and will be teaching this course as a part of her team - but for almost 4 X's the price it is being offered at right now.

I am also offering 80% OFF of my normal coaching rates to be your personal guide through this 4-month long journey - schedule a call with me today to hear more about this amazing offer!

I love the way Holly points out that the medicines are just catalysts for our healing, and that the real work is on us to integrate what we learn from these journey's. 

This is the EXACT reason that I find it so helpful to guide students through preparation and integration before and after these journey's - so that you can get actual real transformational results.

And the preparation isn't just learning about what the medicines do, and how they might help you - the preparation is actually DOING THE INNER WORK FIRST so that you can be more open and receptive to understand and receive the healings that the medicines offer!

I am offering a PRE-SALE on my 4-month 1-1 Coaching Packages right now to 5 people - and 5 people ONLY - to be your personal guide to take you through the course Holly created - learn more here.

   **This offer is good for just 5 days, and limited to 5 people. 


And now... onto Holly's post about Bufo alvarius, inner work, and a beautiful perspective on how psychedelics are just the catalyst to creating change in your life.

"Why almost everyone who talks to me want’s to know about working with psychedelics; specifically Bufo Alvarius (aka 5-MeoDMT)

*Long post - surprise surprise ðŸĪĢâĪ

Bufo Alvarious offers an incredibly powerful experience of felt oneness. In a matter of seconds the ego structure that creates the illusion of separation dissolves itself, giving people the opportunity to experience themselves free of limited thought for a few moments. This isn’t the experience of “having” an experience of oneness, it’s the experience of becoming experience (or oneness) itself. An incredibly important distinction to make.

For many, it’s the most liberating, freeing, and beautiful experience of their life. Where, maybe for the first time, they get a glimpse into the nature of infinite, unconditional love. Something that can’t be separated from life, light or God. Coming out of the experience, often with tears streaming down their face, people exclaim again and again “Oh my God, it’s all one. We are one. It’s so beautiful. I’m so grateful for life”.

It’s not a surprise that there are messages in my inbox everyday from people asking about this experience, because whether people know it consciously or not we are all searching for this level of liberation, felt-oneness and connection to self. It’s the internal motivation behind why we do EVERYTHING we do. The eternal journey towards love.

This is why I got into working with the medicine in the first place, because I wanted to help facilitate these types of mind-shatteringly exquisite moments of felt connection with self.

However, I’m a deeply curious and fascinated soul. Combine that with my passion and love for understanding and helping people to awaken, and now I have some interesting insights to share when it comes to working with psychedelics.

- Number one, psychedelic experiences aren’t permanent.

- Number two, psychedelics work differently with different people depending on how psychological developed and spiritually awakened they are.

- Number three, if you make psychedelics the solution to your happiness they will eventually kick your butt and begin to digress your spiritual progress.

This is a huge, and important, topic of conversation that I could probably write a whole book about (and maybe I will one day) but for now let me see if I can give you at least a little insight from the last 10 years of my experience; 4 of which have been working with psychedelics.

Psychedelics, such as Bufo Alvarius, ayahuasca and psilocybin, are tools that give you insight into what you are already capable of. The point of them, therefore, isn’t to do it for you, it’s to help you see what you can do for yourself. So if you were hoping that a plant, or animal, medicine was the key to your liberation, that you could simply go to the jungle and drink something or go to the dessert and smoke something, then you have misunderstood their gift. They are tools, not solutions.

The next thing to know is that your level of awakening BEFORE working with medicine plays a huge role in both the experiences you have, and even more importantly, the integration phase that happens afterwards. You can’t just turn up and expect a plant, or animal substance, to wake you up premanently. They can give you a hand but the works on you my friend.

The danger in not understanding this BEFORE you enter into a relationship with psychedelics is that whilst the ride into oneness, or connection, can feel beautiful beyond belief, the crash back down to being your human self (limited beliefs, problems and all) feels like the crash from hell. And you need to know how to navigate that.

This also means is that you can’t be lazy. It’s means that nobody, and nothing, is coming to save you from yourself. Liberation is an internal job that’s 100% on you. It’s also a job that requires dedication, determination, self-responsibility, maturity and a level of self-love that most aren’t willing to even attempt to cultivate in a life time.

However, because you are here and still reading, I’m going to assume that you are sincere in your search for liberation. Insincere people get board of reading long posts about self-responsibility, so if they haven’t dropped off yet they are about too 🙂 

Let’s now say you do really want to wake up and know yourself, to experience your Buddha nature, or embody Christ consciousness, or even just to know yourself as a truly free and deeply peaceful soul; well then there is some solid ground work to do and my recommendation is to get started with study.

Study what?

Study what it means to be human. Learn about belief systems, understand emotions, learn about trauma and find tools and methods that work when it comes to healing the relationship you have with yourself. Know how to resolve your ties to the past, learn about the subconscious mind, know how to work with triggers, and understand the point of human relationships. Also study about energy, learn about the laws of manifestation and the law of attraction, and actually start to get your feet under you when it comes to being a human being. Then enquire deeply into why you are here, what’s the point of suffering and if there is a higher purpose to life, because all of this is going to be immensely helpful on your journey to freedom.

Don’t assume that just because you are here, and have a body, that you know what it means to be human. Just look around, almost 8 billion people are here, and most of them are entirely clueless: like overtired, baby-adults just floundering through life thinking they can figure it all out on their own. However, as far as I can tell, that looks like the hard bus, and from my experience psychedelics aren’t the solution either.

Nowadays, 95% of my life has nothing to do with psychedelics. It actually has to do with helping people navigate their consciousness, unlock their subconscious mind, heal the relationship they have with them selves, and explore dimensions of reality that offer huge potential for healing and awakening CONSCIOUSLY. No psychedelics necessary. Working in this way I personally think is more empowering, more powerful, and far more permanent.

This has become my deepest fascination. That is, can we access the same states of awareness that psychedelics offer us, without them? And you better believe it’s. You should see what some of our students are doing!! Yes, it requires work, a willingness to learn new things, and to know how to embrace yourself like nothing you have ever done before, but the results are unlike anything you have ever experienced before.

I understand that people want the fastest, easiest, most profound and proficient ways to get where they are wanting to go, and so I understand why they turn towards psychedelics. But what I’m saying is that psychedelics by themselves aren’t it. Not as far as I can tell (and I’ve been in a few ceremonies myself ðŸĪŠ…..just to make sure).

What I believe wholeheartedly is that when you combine knowledge, tools and methods for harmonising the internal relationship you have with yourself, and experience together you end up with a dynamite combination that’s going to profoundly change your life forever. If you just have knowledge alone you end up an ignorant and unhappy philosopher, and if you just have experience alone you simply end up ignorant and dangerous. The gold is in the combination.

So that’s it, no magic tricks, no woo woo, and no quick fix’s. If you want to wake up and share your unconditionally loving heart with this world then get ready to roll up your sleeves and do some solid inner-work because this is the most in-depth, labour intensive (but interesting) PHD you’ll ever do.

This PHD is called, ‘mastering the Human experience through complete devotion to knowing yourself’.

If you are interested in knowing more about me and what I do, you can check out the program my co-partner and I created. Initially, when we began working on it, it was designed for people to take before coming to work with psychedelics. However, it rapidly evolved into an intensive study program, combining more that 20 years of combined experience and knowledge, to help people understand how to master their human experience.

I’m not going to sugar coat this, this is an in depth program for people who are ready to study hard and take self mastery seriously. If you haven’t read this far, then it’s a good sign this isn’t for you 😉 

These posts are a screening process. Meaning that I make them in depth and long for a reason. It also means that if you ever end up coming to play with me, then you are 100% meant to be there.

If you are this far, and searching for the next step in your life, then this may be your sign. No point continuously sitting on the fence and waiting. That’s a game that leads to nowhere land. So if you are ready jump off your butt and come and join me. I can’t wait to help you see what’s possible and what you’re truly capable of!

Full details here: 

Free things here: 

All my love of your journey to unlocking your own magnificent human potential,

Holly xx 


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