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Radical Self-Care

awareness compassion love path purpose self-acceptance self-care self-healing spiritual evolution Feb 08, 2021
Though we often think of self-care being a thing we do for 5-10 minutes a day, I want to invite you to consider adopting self-care as a lifestyle.
Take a moment to truly ponder this - What kind of profound shifts would happen if you made the act of treating yourself with great tenderness the one and only priority that really matters?
This is a little game I have been playing with my mind when I find myself worrying too much, and really not enjoying my current reality.
When I am triggered, or even when I am just trying to make a decision between doing the laundry and going on a fun nature walk first - I ask myself, what if I only had 1 more day to live?
I close my eyes and place my hands one over the other on my heart and begin to breathe into this space.
As I allow myself to consider the possibility that I only have a few more hours to live inside of this simulation, I consider what would bring me and all of those around me the most joy before my time here was over!
I immediately have my answer to the question of how to tenderly treat myself in this moment.
I know ti sounds dramatic, but our minds are powerful tools that are intensely controlling, and limiting in regards to really following through with caring for our physical bodies, and our hearts.
Consider radical self-care as a lifestyle and practice being in service of taking care of your tender self for a few days!
Make yourself copious amounts of tea, read the books that have been collecting dust on your bookshelf, go on a nature walk with no time limit of when you need to be back home, take yourself to a fancy-pants dinner, book a massage, spend time as your most present self with your family and friends.
Allow your heart to REMEMBER who you are and why you came here.
You did not choose to come here to stay stuck, suffering, and a slave to your to-do list!
You also did not come here to worry all day long about the state of the world, and get so caught up in your problems and those of everyone else that you become blind to the miracle of life and the beauty of Mother Nature and re-live the same dull experience of "surviving in a crazy world" day after day.

You came here to LIVE!

It's time to SURRENDER to self-care, and REMEMBER the Soul-You, The Divine Spark You, The REAL You!

Welcome to the Great Awakening.
I love you and your tender heart so much, and I want you to know you deserve every amount of time and every bit of space you are willing to give yourself today, and always ❤

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