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"Remember Your Magic" Transformation In A Box

awareness change coaching personal growth rememberyourmagic self-care self-development surrender transformation trust truth Oct 09, 2021
Have you ever wondered what it really takes to become a transformed person?
I think a LOT of people have the desire to make changes in their lives that will create more happiness, fulfillment and joy - but few people actually have the courage to do what it takes to create the necessary changes required to transform their lives.
Well, that's simple - because it's hard as hell to face yourself and get out of the hell you're in - and that's just a fact of life (and why most people would rather stay in their half-happy, or even miserable circumstances versus do the work to get out of it). 
It's actually been proven by psychologists that people will stay in their discomfort - pushing it down and justifying it as "not that bad" - until the pain of their current circumstances gets so bad - it has to get worse actually - than the pain they will inevitably need to face and walk through in order to create the transformation and change their current circumstances. 
Think about it for a second - 
How many people do you know who continue to stay in their marriages when they are clearly miserable with their partner?
How many people do you know who are working jobs they fucking hate but refuse to leave because of (insert - "every excuse in the world")?  
How many people do you know who talk about their "dream life of traveling the world, becoming rich, and having deeply passionate sex", yet do nothing to actually change their current circumstances because they think it's just a dream and they don't truly believe it's possible for them?
I am not saying this to judge - I am saying this to help you understand that change and transformation can be fucking painful, and the thought of actually getting from where you are to where you want to go is often so scary and so overwhelming that you keep it stored away in the "fantasy", "maybe in my next life", or "one day when I hit the lottery" box versus getting the courage to actually make the steps to do what you need to do to make it happen!
Even people on the "spiritual" and "self-development" path have PLENTY of ways to hide from themselves and will avoid the pain and fear of creating massive transformations in their lives too... until of course, the pain of their avoidance patterns or fear of not ever actually changing their circumstances gets bigger than the pain of doing the work to create the things they actually want in their lives.
I was one of those people.
I spent almost 10 years of my life studying spirituality and reading ALL the damn self-help books on the shelf thinking that just by learning about all of these spiritual philosophies I would one day somehow become the person I so badly wished to become.
I didn't realize until these last few years when I actually began to "do the work" of going beyond my intellect - moving towards my pain versus avoiding it - that the thing that was actually keeping me stuck was not the pain itself - it was all the ways in which I was afraid of what it would FEEL like to walk through it.
Another thing that kept me stuck for so long was not asking for help.
I thought I could do it all on my own, and it wasn't until I started working with coaches and teachers of various kinds that I really started to make progress.
This year I invested more money than I have ever invested in myself in a single program to get the support in finally being able to walk toward my pain, integrate my lessons, and TRANSFORM MY LIFE IN A MASSIVE WAY.
My internal pain and frustration with being stuck in the same old patterns got so great that I was willing to do literally anything to break free from my old miserable patterns.
The course that I paid over $3,000 for almost a year ago was a 4-month long journey called REMEMBER - and low and behold it was worth every penny AND MORE!
It gave me the tools to integrate ALL of the shit I had been avoiding facing and changed my life SO MUCH that I went on to take the REMEMBER Facilitator Training Program.
In just 2 weeks I will graduate and begin teaching and coaching students through REMEMBER myself. (By the way, becoming a therapist, high level coach and transformation facilitator was one of many dreams I had always wished to accomplish, but couldn't find the confidence or resources to do it myself until I finally found REMEMBER.)
I am sharing this with you today because the creators of REMEMBER are offering a HUGE discount on the program right now as a self-study version before they turn it over to us, the new facilitators.
The self-study version of REMEMBER is being offered right now for just $1,100 or (4 monthly payments of just $297). 
As a PRE-SALE GIFT & GRADUATION CELEBRATION I am offering 5 people the chance to grab a 4-month, 1-1 coaching package with me to go along with the self-study REMEMBER course for 80% OFF of my normal coaching rates.
**Both the discounted REMEMBER Self-Study Course & my 80% OFF 1-1 Coaching Package are only valid for 1 week until October 16th.
What you will get for just $1,900:
4-Month/16 session 1-1 Coaching Package w/ Hollis ($800) 
Schedule a call with me today to hear more about this ONE-TIME ONLY offer!!
Love, Now & Always,

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