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Shining Your Light

surrender Dec 18, 2020
Shining Your Light

When you slow down long enough from the "run-around' we all get ourselves wrapped up in, and really take the time to do what lights us up - you will without a doubt bring more love and joy into your own heart and in turn be able to share that with those around you.⠀

Taking this time to go within, and allow ourselves to read into the things that bring us pleasure and joy is a surrendering in of of itself.⠀

We get going so fast, and have so many distractions that we sometimes forget to even have fun.⠀

If you've gotten into a pattern of not allowing yourself to take a break and enjoy the things that light you up, you're not alone. ⠀

It takes discipline to do what we love.⠀

I challenge you to take the rest of the year and truly SURRENDER to yourself, and by that I mean, allow yourself to LIVE - fully and freely.⠀

This doesn't have to look be all fun and games, this might actually look like watching a movie or a documentary, or going to a yoga class and allowing tears to fall on your mat as you relax into your body for the first time in a long while. ⠀

With a desire to create space for myself and my community to surrender to the magic that happens when you LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE, I created an 11-Day Virtual Soul Retreat to close out 2020. 


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