H O L L I S   B A L E Y

Transformation Facilitator, Plant Medicine Educator & Guide

Hello & Welcome!

My name is Hollis - I am a Transformation Coach and an Ancestral Medicine Educator & Retreat Facilitator living in Southern Baja, Mexico.

As a facilitator, coach, guide, and writer, I combine my education in psychology and trauma research, breathework, masterful and compassionate space holding, psychedelic medicines, and various healing modalities to create powerful spaces for personal growth and development both online & in-person. 

My main objective when facilitating and coaching is to help people remember who they are and what they came here to do. I help you claim your birthright as a powerful, sovereign individual capable of unconditional love, limitless power, supportive relationships, and infinite creative potential.

I believe that the key to deep transformations that inspire the ascension process is in learning The Language Of The Soul. This is to become proficient in the messaging system of feelings & emotions and learn how to use these Source-given human powers to create the life of your dreams. The root of all human suffering lies is unprocessed, suppressed emotions and is a result of hundreds of years of societal patriarchal oppression.

The key to emotional liberation and thus Soul evolution is learning to hold space for ourselves to allow our emotions to move. When feelings are suppressed 1 of 2 things happens:

1 - they get directed inwards creating disease inside of the psyche and/or the body

2 - they get directed outwards in the form of toxic behaviors towards other human beings and/or the Planet.

When we learn the tools to surrender to our emotions, and thus surrender to the healthy expression of being ALIVE - we literally are holding the keys to the Kingdom of true liberation from suffering.

The path to emotional mastery is a courageous path. It is for the Luminous Warrior who is ready to accept full responsibility for their own life and reclaim their Personal Power. It is for those who are willing to go inside themselves and face what we are all running from, consciously or unconsciously - our emotions. It is one of breaking down the constructs of the victim mentality that society has succumbed to and replace it with a more expansive, sovereign identity and reclaim their personal freedom. 

The Awakened Path is one that few take, but those who do are able to anchor the Light on Planet Earth and become beacons of hope for the millions of other Souls on this Planet ready to wake-up. This path is one that opens you up to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead when you decide you are ready to feel your pain and free yourself from the suffering.

If this is you - then I am ready to accompany you on your journey.

With Love & Admiration For Your Beautiful Courageous Heart - Now & Always,


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"My sugar levels are normal again, my vitamin deficiencies are under control, and no real bad flares all year. My immune system is doing great! If Hollis wasn't there for me during the beginning of this Crohn's journey, I don't know where I'd be. Thank you Hollis!"

-Sara Larson