$500.00 USD

Upgrade your HIGHER experience to include 1 private coaching & quantum healing session with Hollis!

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HIGHER Month 1

1 MONTH (May 1st - June 1st)  

Normally $500 - NOW JUST $125 !!



  • 2 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($150 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Month 1 HIGHER content + recordings of the 2 LIVE Group Calls ($350 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community ($49 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $1,040 of content and coaching for just $125 !!!


Welcome to Month 1 of HIGHER, where you embark on a transformative journey of reconnection. In this inaugural month, your focus is on RECONNECT, as you delve into the profound essence of your existence and purpose.

Discover "The Earth Game" - a deep exploration into the why and how of your presence here on Earth. Learn to awaken to your true essence and live in alignment with your soul and divine purpose.

Through modules like "Heart Coherence" and "The Heart's Compass," you reconnect with the core of your being - your heart. This foundational healing journey restores not only your faith in your connection with God but also equips you to communicate and listen with your heart. By following your divine compass, you navigate the Earth Game connected to your heart and soul, walking hand in hand with God.

Month 1 is about laying the groundwork for profound healing, purposeful living, and divine alignment. You’ll reconnect, rediscover, and realign with the truth of who you are.



1: The Earth Game

This lesson is designed to give you a broad understanding of the game of life. You'll begin by stepping back and gaining a meta-perspective of the game. You will examine the various elements that make up the game and learn about the different ways people tend to play.

You'll be given an opportunity to look at yourself honestly and to consider whether you're living in a state of 'sleepiness' or whether you're really awake. This module is designed to be reflective, where you will have the time and space to consider how you really want to play the game of life.


2: The Heart's Glow / Heart Coherence

In this lesson, you will learn how to access and activate the power of heart coherence. You will learn various techniques and exercises that will help you tap into the power of your heart and access higher states of consciousness. These skills will naturally help you to connect with God, your Self, and others on a deeper level. Overall, this module is essential in your journey toward personal growth and self-mastery.


2: The Heart’s Compass

Here you will learn how to tap into the wisdom of your heart and connect to your inner guidance system. You will learn to align your actions with your purpose and values, allowing you to move through life with a sense of direction. This module will help you understand the difference between the head and the heart and how to navigate the two in harmony. You will learn various techniques and exercises that will help you access the intuitive wisdom of your heart and develop the ability to trust and act on it.