$3,000.00 USD

Upgrade your HIGHER experience to include 6 private coaching & quantum healing sessions with Hollis & SAVE 20% on 1:1 sessions.

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HIGHER Months 1-6

6 MOS (May 1st - October 1st)

Normally $3,000 - NOW JUST $749



  • 12 LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($900 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Month 1 HIGHER content + recordings of the 2 LIVE Group Calls ($2,100 VALUE)

  • Lifetime access to Microdose Mini-Course ($197 VALUE)

  • 6 BONUS guided meditations by my dear friend and energy healer, Shaman Rose

  • Lifetime access to the online HIGHER Community ($49 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime Access to Divine Breath 7-Day devotional breath practice ($97 VALUE)

  • FREE Lifetime access to the 44-Day Venus Retrograde Breath & Somatic Therapy Challenge facilitated by Hollis Baley in 2023 ($197 VALUE)

  • Receive a 10% DISCOUNT on any 2024 Retreat when you book at the time of enrollment

That's $3,540 of content and coaching for just $749 !!!


Welcome to Month 1 of HIGHER, where you embark on a transformative journey of reconnection. In this inaugural month, your focus is on RECONNECT, as you delve into the profound essence of your existence and purpose.

Discover "The Earth Game" - a deep exploration into the why and how of your presence here on Earth. Learn to awaken to your true essence and live in alignment with your soul and divine purpose.

Through modules like "Heart Coherence" and "The Heart's Compass," you reconnect with the core of your being - your heart. This foundational healing journey restores not only your faith in your connection with God but also equips you to communicate and listen with your heart. By following your divine compass, you navigate the Earth Game connected to your heart and soul, walking hand in hand with God.

Month 1 is about laying the groundwork for profound healing, purposeful living, and divine alignment. You’ll reconnect, rediscover, and realign with the truth of who you are.


Welcome to Month 2 of HIGHER, where we delve into the theme of SURRENDER. Throughout this month, you explore the intricate terrain of Parts Work, Embracing Everything, and Trauma & The Inner Child.

It's a time dedicated to confronting past traumas and equipping you with the necessary tools to release them gently from your body. By doing so, you liberate yourself from the shackles of the past, freeing yourself from the subconscious energies that have long lingered within.

My approach is gentle yet powerful, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice. Through a variety of techniques, you'll train your nervous system to find calmness, fostering a space for more positive and peaceful thoughts. This process lays the groundwork for a new blueprint, empowering you to navigate life with greater resilience and inner peace.

Anchored in your connection to God, you'll find the courage to face any challenging moments that arise. The somatic practices you'll learn are timeless, creating a foundation of strength and resilience that lasts a lifetime.

Month 3 - RECEIVE

Welcome to Month 3 of HIGHER, where the theme is RECEIVE, inviting you to embrace the abundant blessings that await you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Throughout this month, you dive into the profound topics of The True Purpose of Relationships, Emotional Mastery, and Divine Self-Worth.

It's a time dedicated to honing in on purifying your mind, recognizing that your thoughts hold the key to your emotional well-being.

Discover the true purpose of relationships as mirrors reflecting back the aspects of yourself that are ready for healing and growth.

Through deep inner exploration and practice, you'll learn to prioritize your connection with God/The Divine above all else. By anchoring yourself in this divine connection, your innate self-worth shines forth, transcending the limitations of the conditioned mind.

As your thoughts shift to more positive and empowering patterns, you'll witness a transformation in your emotions, experiencing greater happiness, joy, and inner peace. Your Divine Worth becomes the guiding compass for every decision you make, aligning you with your truth and higher wisdom.

In Month 3 you open yourself to receive the abundant blessings of love, joy, and fulfillment that flow from aligning with your divine essence. You are well into the HIGHER journey now, creating a life guided by love, wisdom, and the profound knowing of your inherent worthiness.


Welcome to Month 4 of HIGHER, where the theme is INTEGRATE, inviting you to harmonize all aspects of your being as you continue your journey of growth and self-discovery. Throughout this month, we delve into the profound topics of Radical Responsibility, Reality Bubbles, and an optional module around Money & Abundance.

As you've evolved over the past three months, shedding layers and reconnecting with your heart's desires, you've gained insights into what truly inspires and motivates you in life. Now, it's time to allow everything to come together - heart, mind, body, and soul - in perfect alignment.

By embracing radical responsibility for your life and choices, you'll gain clarity on both the large and small picture of your soul's journey. This integration process illuminates your purpose in this lifetime and its significance in the eternal journey of your soul.

During Month 4 you’ll embrace the fullness of who you are and the unique gifts you bring to the world.


Welcome to Month 5 of HIGHER, where the theme is SOUL PURPOSE, inviting you to explore the depths of your divine calling and align with God's will for your life. Throughout this month, we'll delve into Soul Purpose from various perspectives, offering you the opportunity to discern how you're already living in alignment with your soul's purpose. You'll also explore how to implement the necessary changes to further align your life with God's divine will and your unique purpose.

In Month 5 we will also explore Quantum Manifestation, a powerful tool for creating your dream life. When combined with prayer and devotion to God, Quantum Manifestation becomes an extraordinary force for bringing your deepest desires into reality.


Welcome to Month 6 of HIGHER, where the theme is SERVICE, inviting you to embrace your role in serving a higher purpose and aligning with the divine will of God, the Divine Creator. Throughout this month, you'll explore the transformative power of Group Prayer, recognizing the strength that comes from collective intention and spiritual connection.

As you reflect on the journey of the past five months, you'll summarize the wisdom and insights gained, synthesizing them into a comprehensive plan for your life. This plan will be centered around the overarching theme of service to a higher purpose, guiding you towards living a life aligned with God's divine will.

During Month 6 you step into your role fully in service of the divine, dedicated to uplifting others and co-creating a world filled with love, compassion, and purpose. You are now prepared to embrace the profound calling to serve and make a meaningful impact in the world.