Hello Beautiful Gods & Goddesses,

Are You Ready To Embark On A Spiritual Journey Of Deep Soul Remembrance?


If you're anything like me, you have this inner knowing that you are meant to do great things in this lifetime. When that knowing arises, the "everything is fine" state of existing just doesn't cut it anymore.

2020 presented a great invitation to us all - especially those of you who were already beginning to explore your spirituality. The year summoned a great call to REMEMBER that you are here for so much more than just "getting by".

If you felt the call in 2020 to join the Great Awakening and become a leader as we pave the way for a New Earth - then Surrender to Remember is just the community for you to allow your Divine Self to flourish.

Our purpose as light workers - and you are one if you are reading this - is to EMBODY our Higher Self and be the lighthouse of compassion and unconditional love!



There has never been a more potent and powerful time to STEP INTO YOUR POWER.


I want you to imagine a life which...

You are fully supported by your tribe. You have a group of like-minded women who understand you, have your back and want the best for you. You are fully loved and supported, and are seen and heard and respected as you walk the healing journey.

Your intuition is dynamite. You are able to tap int your inner guidance system and trust it's compass. You radiate with confidence, clarity, and make empowered decisions easily.

Your health has never been better. You have consistent mental and physical energy, and feel vital and stronger than ever! This comes from having re-established a connection to the Infinite Source Energy within you.

You embody the AUTHENTIC YOU. You express yourself with confidence. Your creativity flows freely. You are not afraid to be seen and heard for who you are. You don't feel you need to wear any masks. You feel completely liberated to finally feel comfortable in your own skin and loved and admired for your unique qualities.

You are the Conscious Creator of your ABUNDANT life. You wake-up each morning grateful and excited to be alive! You have time for self-care, creativity, and you are doing work that matters and that you love. Your life is abundant with health, nourishing relationships, pleasure, and joy in all that you do. Most importantly, you have a deep connection with your soul and inner purpose that fulfills you more than any material possession. 

You have fully stepped into your WORTH because you said "YES" to your Spiritual Evolution! You make your "woo-woo" a priority - ecstatic dance, card pulls, crystal therapy, sound baths and  guided meditation journeys are your weekly self-care. You gather in ceremony with your tribe regularly to amplify your frequency. You are connected deeply with the Moon cycles and Mother Nature and feel more grounded than ever before.

... this Conscious State of Living is ALL yours to experience and the path leading to these transformations is laid out for you inside Surrender to Remember.

Here's what members are saying about the Portal:



WARNING: When you transcend things you've been struggling with (forever) it is an experience of PURE ECSTASY and you are guaranteed to never be the out-dated, stuck, struggling version of yourself ever again!


"This process of surrendering and remembering who you are, why you came here, and how powerful you really are, is so JUICY AND RICH! When quarantine began, I made the decision to fully surrender on a daily basis to these spiritual practices. I made my Soul-connection a priority over work, and distracting myself with being busy all the time. After a few weeks something really surprising happened - my self-sabotaging patterns literally ceased to exist. I wasn't fighting the daily battle of craving alcohol to "take the edge off", it was easy to choose a healthy meal option over fast food, I was sleeping so much deeper and waking feeling rejuvenated. I felt like I was "home" again. I also felt happier, had more energy and a lot of creative ideas, my relationships were improving, and the synchronicities were happening RAPIDLY. Life was fun and exciting again. When I knew this transformation was here to stay, I knew I needed to share this process and wisdom I was gaining with the world!"

Hollis Baley  Transformation Facilitator, Founder & Creator of Surrender to Remember Portal

Join Us Inside The Portal And Embark On A Deep Soul-Remembrance In 2021 & Beyond 

Transform Your Life For Just $33 Per Month >>>>

Surrender to Remember offers an ecstatic blend of practical and mystical transformational tools, led by a collaborative TRIBE of expert consciousness transformational coaches, movement practitioners, therapists, psychics, channels, mystics and more... 


What Portal Members Receive Each Month:

Consciousness Mentoring

1-Hour LIVE Interactive Workshop On The Spiritual Theme For The Month

LIVE Channeling

LIVE Channeling Session with Our Community Channel/Medium, Jessica McKeown

New & Full Moon Astrology

New & Full Moon 2-Week Forecasts with Our Community Astrologist Andrea Walker 

Oracle Readings

Recorded Monthly Collective Reading  & 1 LIVE Oracle Healing Session

Yoga & Breathe Practices

New Practices Each Month To Support The Integration Of The Monthly Theme 

Guided Meditation Journeys

Monthly Guided Meditation/s To Support Monthly Theme

LIVE Sacred Ceremonies

Ceremonies Have Included Sacred Group Sharing, Cacao, & Psilocybin Journey's

Members Have Access To ALL Past Content & Always Receive Notification First On Upcoming Events & Sacred Medicine Retreats 

I Am Committing To Myself And My Remembering Journey In 2021.

My Birthright Is To Know Happiness & Experience The Freedom Of Living My Soul's Purpose & Co-Creating With The Universe!


Surrender To Remember PORTAL 2021: Monthly Themes

JANUARY - Coming Home To Your Body

We begin 2021 by acknowledging our sacred soul vehicle and bringing conscious awareness to creating a harmonious relationship with our bodies. For many of us - including myself - this is the crucial daily work that is the foundation of being able to ground our creative ideas, dreams and visions into the 3D plane. This month we focus on creating a sense of safety in coming back home to your physical body by grounding our sacred temples deep into Mother Earth helping you remember your purpose. These practices will begin to wake up your body at the atomic level, bringing a sense of safety and belonging and thus creating more confidence and trust in yourself and others.

FEBRUARY - Embodied Joy, Pleasure, Freedom and Ecstasy

This month will surrender fully to EXPERIENCING pleasure, joy, freedom, and ecstasy in the body. We will explore what sexual energy is and how to cultivate it. We will learn about pelvic bowl health and practice bringing more energy to this area of the body. We will have special expert guests on these topics. You will walk into March with more life-force energy, feeling invigorated and creative from exploring the path of embodying joy, pleasure, freedom and ecstasy.

MARCH - Somatic Exploration of Emotion aka "Energy In Motion" in The Body

This month we explore what emotions are, how they are created, and why so many of us tend to resist flowing with this “energy in motion” in real-time. This is the month where you will claim radical responsibility for your emotions thus achieving freedom from being “overly sensitive”, constantly overwhelmed, and at the mercy of the state of the world and those around you to feel safe in your body. We will explore ways to release stuck emotions in the body. We will learn how to redirect familiar thought patterns and stories that cause us to re-create emotional patterns. We will explore courage, create safety, and gain resilience in allowing ourselves to feel our way THROUGH emotions on a somatic level, thus freeing ourselves from emotional patterns and allowing radical consciousness expansion.

APRIL - Radical Self-Responsibility

Continuing down the path of experiencing more physical and emotional freedom we will talk about mirrors, triggers, traumas, the inner child, and how our entire reality is a reflection of what we are carrying around inside ourselves. You will learn incredibly powerful and empowering tools to release, process, and appreciate every experience, relationship, story and belief about life and about who you are. Your daily life in any given moment it is teaching you something about yourself that your Soul came here to learn. 

MAY - Creativity In Action

With a solid set of tools and practices to ground our souls into our bodies and are getting comfortable being embodied and connected to Planet Earth, we begin to explore the magic and freedom of creative potential. Learn what the Law Of Attraction is and how it really works in the 3D. Learn how to use quantum healing for manifestation. Learn to work with your own energy field to raise your frequency and experience longer periods of time within the vortex. This month is all about abundance of flow state and infinite freedom!

JUNE - Heart-Centered Living

This month we dive deeply into the depths of our Heart to begin living a more Heart-Centered day-to-day life. This may seem simple, but it actually takes an incredible amount of courage to dive deep into your Heart-space. Once you learn. few simple tools and experience the magic and wonder that comes from living more from your Heart versus from your Mind, you will want to return here as often as possible because you will feel the difference in authenticity and aliveness that Heart-Centered Living results in!

JULY - Self-Love: Trusting, Surrendering, & Remembering YOU

Now that we have learned tools to open and connect deeply with your Heart, process your emotions when they arise, this has deepened your capacity to hold space for yourself. It is now that we will go into an exploration of connecting and deepening your relationship with yourself. This month is all about learning to embrace everything about you, learning to love and hold space for ALL of you to bring you more into a state of energetic wholeness. This will be a powerful month of integration, teaching you how to have more EXPERIENCES of unconditional love, standing strong and centered in your power, and dancing with infinite Source Energy.

AUGUST - Seeing Everything As God/Source Energy/Universal Creation

With a deep understanding of what it means to truly love yourself and care for yourself, this month we expand that as we begin to look at everything as a creation of God. We have probably all heard of the concept of Oneness. This month will be an actual practice of integrating this into your life in the ways that you can. Maybe its in the way you relate to others. Maybe its in the way you relate to the natural world. Small changes in the way you exist in the world keeping this oneness concept in mind can have a massive impact on the way you experience love inside your Heart.

SEPTEMBER - Embracing Your Sensitivity & Empathic Gifts

This month is going to be so awesome as you learn how to embrace your gift/s of sensitivity. This community is really for the empaths of the world, those of us who were born with the gift of feeling, hearing, seeing, breathing, interpreting life in a very unique way - for ourselves and also for others. You chose this. This is not a curse, unless you have made it one. It's time to stop the suffering of being an empath and learn how to embrace your unique, Divine, incredibly appreciated gifts.

OCTOBER - Awakening The Channeler Within

This month is a natural follow-up to Embracing Your Empathic Gifts as we will be explore using these unique gifts to strengthen the communication with your Higher Self. This is not about becoming someone who channels for others, though if that is your calling then by all means this will be a fantastic month to explore that. If you are interested in working with a very gifted channel who channels your Spirit Guides in an insightful session with rich conversations with God, please contact our Community Channeler and Medium Jessica McKeown. This entire year has primed the pump for this topic, now it's time to put it into action. Discover your own unique way of multi-dimensional communication by joining us this month. 

NOVEMBER - Relationships Are Our Best Teachers

Relationships, no matter how deep or surface level they are, are truly one of our best teachers as we walk this realm in human form. We will explore this months topic using a couple different psychological theories as well as the Law Of Attraction to help you begin to see how even your most frustrating relationships are your best teachers. Most importantly, you will learn how to cultivate more rich and authentic connections with others in this module. Relationship work is truly some of the most important work on the spiritual path that you could ever do for yourself and humanity. 

DECEMBER - Deep Integration

What does integration mean and how do you do it? This is truly the most important topic of the entire year, and one not to be missed by anyone on the journey of doing the inner work. Integration of what you are learning is necessary to create actual transformation, to get actual results, from all of the work you are doing on yourself. Join us as we close out 2021 for a month of PRACTICING integration, so that you are ready to enter 2022 a firmly grounded, centered, upleveled version of the you who stepped into 2021! 

Join Surrender to Remember And Commit To Personal Transformation In 2021 With These Incredible Monthly Offerings

Transform Your Life For Just $33 Per Month >>>>

Meet The Team 

Hollis Baley

Transformation Facilitator

Hi, I’m Hollis. I am a highly intuitive and empathic Consciousness Transformation Facilitator. 

I help people drop the drama, distraction, self-sabotage, and stuck-ness and transcend the "everything is fine" state of existing, into LIVING a life of embodied infinite potential, aligned purpose, and ultimate satisfaction.

My superpower is that I am a natural catalyst for connecting ambitious men and women who are tired of navigating burn-out, stress, depression, anxiety, and overall feeling of un-fulfillment with the perfect “Soul Medicine” to help them remember who they are (A Divine Spark!) and what they came here to do (Create The Most Magical Dream Life She Can Imagine While Riding The Waves Of Gratitude, Freedom, & Abundance Every Step Along The Way!).

Jessica McKeown

Intuitive Channel & Medium

As an Intuitive Guide and Medium, it’s my greatest honor to connect you with your Spirit guides, allies, and ancestors to deliver their message of love, hope, and healing. In receiving this wisdom, you allow yourself to remember your soul’s deepest calling and grow on your spiritual journey. 

In my readings, I use humor, compassion, and love to translate these messages with the intention of removing energetic blocks, realigning you with your pathway, and supporting you moving forward. It’s my greatest honor and joy to share this gift with you!

Most days you can find me traveling my own spiritual pathway right alongside you, integrating my experiences with shamanic practices, yoga and meditation, energy healing, divination, crystals, astrology, and so much more! You’ll also find me oversharing about the cuteness of my two parrots, and indulging in the darkest of chocolates.

As Ram Dass said, “We’re all just walking each other home,” and I am a loving guide along the way to make sure we all find home once again.

Paola Martinez

Certified Yoga Instructor

"Yoga is one of the most important parts of my life, It has give me the tools to follow the path of liberation,  to be in the constant  personal growth,  live life as it is and be able to connect with the universe, people and nature. It´s my passion, my every day constant learning and what I do for living since more than 15 years. 

I had had many amazing teachers to whom I am deeply thankful, and  students that  are also my teachers. I had travel to learn different paths of yoga, methods, styles, ways to practice, and in I know is a endless path of discover, but is about living it." 

Paola Martinez has been a teacher since 1998. She has studied and taught in India, Canada, Chile and Mexico. She started to practice yoga in Prana & Yoga Zen Centre in Vancouver B.C, where she took her first TTC.  She has explored Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative, Iyengar method, and since 2012 she has deepened into Restorative Alignment which the objective is to bring awareness alignment, looking to connect with the logical and correct strength that allows to prevent the body from injuries, also she has deepen in Pranayama, Kriyas and Yoga Nidra Techniques.

Andrea Walker

Radiant Health Specialist & Intuitive Asrologist

Andrea is an incredibly wise and intuitive woman who works with people to help them remember their innate ability to become their own healer and return to a state of radiant health.

Through her own triumphs in weight loss, and radically shifting stories that were subconsciously harming her health, Andrea now shares her wisdom and teachings with others on the same path.

Not only is she a Radiant Health Specialist - she is my dear friend and soul-sister who I am beyond grateful to have in my life. Andrea has been studying astrology for 27 years, and even though it's not something she does professionally (yet), she is one of the most educated, passionate, and wise astrology interpreters I know! You will no doubt thoroughly enjoy Andrea's practical guidance for this community in the Full and New Moon Forecasts she provides!  

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