Personal Blog

A Note On How To Navigate Pain & A Hurting Heart awareness change coaching compassion fear grief healing self-acceptance self-care self-development self-healing transformation Nov 15, 2021

Are you hurting inside? Don’t fear, sweet soul. You are not alone.


For all of us, there will be many experiences in our lives that will lead us to tend to want to shut back down and...

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Healing Trauma with Ayahuasca awareness fear purpose self-healing soul medicine spiritual evolution surrender Sep 17, 2021

I’ve found Ayahuasca to be one of the most powerful ways to help heal trauma. I came to this realization after a decade of using it personally and seeing it work it’s magic. I also have...

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Living your truth is part of your sovereignty as a soul fear truth Dec 04, 2020

Has there been something inside of you waiting to be birthed, but every time you attempt to ground it, your fear of what others will think about you stop you in your tracks?

I totally get it. 


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