Personal Blog

A Note On How To Navigate Pain & A Hurting Heart awareness change coaching compassion fear grief healing self-acceptance self-care self-development self-healing transformation Nov 15, 2021

Are you hurting inside? Don’t fear, sweet soul. You are not alone.


For all of us, there will be many experiences in our lives that will lead us to tend to want to shut back down and...

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My Pituitary Tumor Was One Of My Best Spiritual Teachers awareness change ego death inner child letting go personal growth personal power surrender transformation Oct 25, 2021

What I’m about to share with you is a glimpse of my life story and how my rejection of self manifesting in a pituitary tumor in my 20's was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. 


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Ego Death, Meeting Your Shadow, & Psychedelics coaching ego death psychedelics self-healing shadow therapy transformation Oct 17, 2021

Ego Death & Meeting Your Shadow are common themes that are used when people talk about doing psychedelic journey's. I'd like to address these topics in this blog to help you understand a...

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Bufo alvarius, Oneness, Inner Work, & Other Great Perspectives On Transformation awareness bufo alvarius coaching psychedelics remember self-healing transformation wake up Oct 10, 2021

Today's post is written by one of my current teachers and business partners - Transformational Facilitator Holly Clark of the Earth Pulse Collective.

I am sharing this post today because I am...

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"Remember Your Magic" Transformation In A Box awareness change coaching personal growth rememberyourmagic self-care self-development surrender transformation trust truth Oct 09, 2021
Have you ever wondered what it really takes to become a transformed person?
I think a LOT of people have the desire to make changes in their lives that will create more happiness,...
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Interview With A Master Ayahuasquero, Oscar L. Martinez ayahuasca plant medicine self-healing spiritual evolution transformation Oct 01, 2021

Have you ever wondered what separates a true and trusted Shaman or Ancestral Medicine Facilitator from the rest?


It’s a really worthy question to ask yourself if you’re...

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The #1 Most Important Tool For a Transformational Psychedelic Experience awareness change coaching plant medicine psychedelics therapy transformation Sep 25, 2021

There are many reasons why people take psychedelics. 


For me personally, my recreational use of magic mushrooms intrigued me so much that eventually my un-guided curiosity turned into a...

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