Personal Blog

Anchoring Your Soul awareness soul Dec 10, 2020
Remember that you are an infinite being with the ability to expand your awareness beyond space and time. You have so much power that you aren't aware of - and guess what - wherever you are on the...
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Living your truth is part of your sovereignty as a soul fear truth Dec 04, 2020

Has there been something inside of you waiting to be birthed, but every time you attempt to ground it, your fear of what others will think about you stop you in your tracks?

I totally get it. 


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Horse Medicine change compassion surrender Dec 03, 2020

The Earth, your Guides (aka your Higher Self and Higher forms of Consciousness), your ancestors... these energies are all yearning to communicate with you, Sweet Soul!

The umbrella lesson of 2020...

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Blissful Surrender grief surrender Dec 02, 2020

I resisted until the bitter end,
all of the shadows inside of me - that I thought defined me and could never be forgiven, accepted and were not worth loving.

I finally ran out of places to hide and I...

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Self-Acceptance & Spiritual Evolution awareness path purpose self-acceptance spiritual evolution Nov 23, 2020

How are you doing as we near the end of one of the wildest years humanity has ever experienced?

No matter what “state” you find yourself in, if you can get used to loving accepting and...

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